To provide a smooth and enjoyable online shopping experience, we believe all store policies need to be clear, fair and transparent. Take a look below to learn more about ours, and reach out with questions.
How It Works
Once your order is received we will need 2-4 days to create your order. Once your order is created and ready to be shipped or picked up you will be notified. Items will be shipped 2-4 days after they are created. Larger orders may take up to 5-7 days before being shipped.
Custom orders could take up to 2 weeks. Once mock up is confirmed, payment is made, we will need 2-4 days to complete your order and ship.
We ship ground UPS up to 2-7 days.
Please note during holiday seasons order completion and shipping may be delayed. You will be notified if it will be outside of our standard shipping policy.
Everything You Need to Know
Due to each item being made to order and handmade, we do not take returns. However, if you do see an issue with your item please feel free to contact us!